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  • Canavalia rosea
    Beach Bean
    Seaside Bean

    A perennial herbaceous vine that trails along beach dunes and coastal areas. This perrenial climber grows fast on a woody stem and can grow to 20 ft or more. Dark green leaves are accented by sweet pea like flowers producing a lovely scent that attracts pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds. An excellent groundcover and a perfect plant to help in erosion control.

    Seeds float allowing them to be dispersed by water currents to other locations

    This plant makes a most interesting deck plant and grows well as a container plant for the home or greenhouse, in addition to being a specimen plant. Treat as a tropical that cannot tolerate frost.

    It is the buyer’s responsibility to know whether any plant or seed is acceptable or allowable for the area being shipped to. Seller is not responsible for buyer’s use of plant or seeds and any dangers thereof. By purchasing this item buyer accepts this understanding.

    Fun Facts:
    1. Beach bean occurs on the coasts of Florida, California and Texas
    2. Hardy outdoors in Zones 9+ or grow as an annual
    3. This plant attracts butterflies and birds
    4. This species is the wild ancestor of canavilia gladiata
    5. Perfect for growing in containers
    6. Very Salt Tolerant
    7. Seeds may float allowing them to be dispersed by water currents to other locations

    Canavalia rosea Ornamental Seaside Beach Bean 5 Seeds

    $6.00 Regular Price
    $4.80Sale Price
    • =====Seed is a live perishable product = All sales Final- The pictures are representative only - seeds are exactly as described here produced by professional growers

      Research if needed prior to purchase -Its up to you to AVOID disappointments and misunderstandings by reading the listing - provided growing instructions/label - and having proper expectations as well as understanding germination time frame. Seeds DO NOT germinate in a few days or sometimes even weeks and may not be at the same time- this is normal in nature--- If you have questions or need help PLEASE ASK

      For experienced gardeners only – Many seeds will not germinate fast and require much patience and good care-especially tropical and tree seed. Seed growing is meant to be a fun experience- -for those beginners that want to try anyway do so at your own risk – that’s what gardening is about

      Terms and conditions ---  PLEASE READ: Orders over $10 from will be shipped with tracking, Orders Under $10 will be shipped by the least expensive USPS way/ economy standard or first class  WITHOUT TRACKING --- BE SURE correct shipping information/addresses are provided---we will not resend due to incorrect address.

       We are a seed company that sells to experienced gardeners. If you are new to planting / gardening, take time to research what you are buying. ALL SEED SALES ARE FINAL!  We are not responsible for gardeners’ success- WE DO NOT Guarantee that you as a gardener will be able to grow any particular seed. This is standard in the industry. We do not guarantee germination success but always send the very best viable seeds most of which are being tested and grown ourselves in our own greenhouses.

           All Seed counts are approximate. Sometimes you will get a few extra, sometimes there may be a missing one. Seeds vary in size and appearance. Some are extremely tiny – some are large. Some are flakes, round, hard, soft, or concave. This is how they look -this is how nature made them -this is normal.  The liability of seller is limited to the cost of the seed itself only. Some seeds do not come up right away and may take several months – PAY attention to your germination time frames and do not contact us with complaints after short periods of time. We give you all the tools for success from the start so research if needed. By completing a purchase buyer is agreeing to these terms.


      NOTE: We are a small family business. We do not use expensive, glossy packaging- all seeds are hand packed, with care, on demand with label and growing instructions.

    We're dedicated to selling top quality, non-gmo, heirloom tropical and garden seeds, bonsai and vegetable seeds, and more.

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    Serendipity Seeds nor any owners thereof are not responsible or liable in any way for buyer use of seeds or use of plants resulting from seeds.  Copyright © [ Serendipity Seeds LLC] 1998-present. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the written consent of the owner/publisher.    All photos are Copyright ©  All rights reserved. No picture may be reproduced, in part or in whole, without the written consent of the owner/publisher.

    Privacy Policy :  We do not sell or give out any information personal or otherwise of any customer to anyone for any reason.

    Thank you for being a valued customer!

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